My first reblogging. Star light, star bright; Wish for Peace on Earth tonight.

One World Rising

I know if you are awake you have taken notice of how twisted the thinking has become in this world.  Most of the time this thinking by others leaves you shocked, jaw dropping to the floor and scratching your head saying “What?” It truly is insanity out there right now on all levels, it is why I keep urging all to stay centered in their hearts to stay grounded. We are living between the worlds as it is so appropriately called. Our thoughts have advanced on to higher dimensional thinking, but our bodies remain stuck here in 3D amongst the insanity. It is a very challenging road to be plodding down. At least be thankful you are awake enough to know what you are hearing is both twisted and false, many out there still believe what they are hearing! This world of illusion is spinning very fast now, it…

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