RIP Pete Seeger

The passing of this man is a landmark in my life. From an early age, our house was filled with song, all kinds of songs and music. While others my age were listening to Elvis or the Rock invasion, I was (and still am) at heart a folk singing woman. I have watched and sang Pete Seeger’s songs as long as I can remember. I admired his playing the fretless banjo, his enthusiasm for the causes of peace and the environment. At concerts and in life, he knew we were better when we worked and sang together. I am richer to have “known” him.

4 thoughts on “RIP Pete Seeger”

  1. I didn’t know of Pete, but I did recognize a few of his songs. I’m sure he was of great influence on the music of his time…



  2. I don’t usually cry at celebrity deaths but oh man, I sat at my desk and just bawled when I saw the news of Pete’s passing. Fortunately his music will live on for years to come…


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