Category Archives: Family history

Daily Prompt- New Sensation (or olde)

The daily prompt reminded me of a moment in time, music and fashion. In 1968, with strawberry blonde hair almost to my waist and bought my first car. It was a pumpkin colored Fiat spider convertible. My favorite boots were thigh-high and orange, matching the car. My favorite dress was an orange knit turtleneck mini-dress. I once saw a picture of me taken in this outfit leaning against my dear car.  The actual picture may be long gone but in my mind’s eye, it is still very clear. These were the days before I worried about sunscreen, the convertible top was always down even in the winter – sunglasses, the wind in my hair and “Sargent Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band” blaring from the radio. I feel younger just by remembering!

RIP Pete Seeger

The passing of this man is a landmark in my life. From an early age, our house was filled with song, all kinds of songs and music. While others my age were listening to Elvis or the Rock invasion, I was (and still am) at heart a folk singing woman. I have watched and sang Pete Seeger’s songs as long as I can remember. I admired his playing the fretless banjo, his enthusiasm for the causes of peace and the environment. At concerts and in life, he knew we were better when we worked and sang together. I am richer to have “known” him.

A Recent Read – One Hundred Years Of Solitude

The first of two very different books I have recently finished.

one hundred years

One Hundred years of Solitude by gabriel garcia marquez (translated by Gregory Rabassa)

“One of the most influential literary works of our time, One Hundred Years of Solitude is a dazzling and original achievement by the masterful Gabriel Garcia Marquez, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. One Hundred Years of Solitude tells the story of the rise and fall, birth and death of the mythical town of Macondo through the history of the Buendia family. Inventive, amusing, magnetic, sad, and alive with unforgettable men and women — brimming with truth, compassion, and a lyrical magic that strikes the soul — this novel is a masterpiece in the art of fiction. Probably Garcia Marquez’s finest and most famous work.”  (Synopsis from ebay)

It is odd when you read a well reviewed book and feel very differently about it. Yes the characters were amusing and memorable. Due to their geography, the town remained isolated until the railroad arrived. An illustration of how isolation can cause a rift between the area mentality and the outside political environment. Where else can you find the character of an old grandfather tethered to a tree in the back yard.

For me, finishing it was a little like walking through mud but I got there.

The most memorable quote for me is: “The secret of a good old age is simply an honorable pact with solitude.”

That really rings true for me- more each year. Solitude and I are great companions, fortunately. How does this quote strike you?