About me

DSCF6377Firmly in my 6th decade now. Older, wiser, happier. Ready to walk the arboretum paths and breath in beauty. Come join me anytime. If you have a time you would like to meet email me at mountainmae.com

Arboretum Strollers at http://www.meetup.com/Arboretum-walker-weekly-to-watch-the-azaleas-bloom-and-grow/?scheduleNow=true 



I am seeker of wisdom, beauty and truth. Living each now moment with as much clarity and open-heartedness as possible. As for sayings I live by, 1st is “Love everyone unconditionally, including yourself.” Now in my 6th decade of life, I feel I have already lived at least three “lives” this life. The many experience meld together to make me the woman I am today. Still swinging around lampposts.

76 thoughts on “About me”

  1. You have a lovely refreshing blog Mae — I’m glad I stopped by! This year I’ve resolved to put more kindness and joy into both my life and the world by visiting and commenting on a new positive blog every day, while keeping a list of my virtual travels on my own blog. So far, my spirits have been much uplifted by discovering so many kind and welcoming bloggers like you!


    1. Thank you for visiting and commenting. I look forward to following your travels- But I can’t find a way to follow you. There are a lot of great people here at wordpress.


      1. I haven’t set up a follow button because my blog is not hosted at WordPress. My husband, who is a software developer, set me up with a virtual private server instead. 🙂 I do have links in the sidebar for subscribing to the feed, though.


  2. Hold on tight to those lamp posts and keep swinging! You have a wonderful blog with colorful and exciting posts.
    thank you very much for following; look forward to reading more from you


  3. Hello Mountainmae, Many thanks for following Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary. I am just catching up on my new followers.. You have a lovely site and May we all keep on seeking the Truth and living our Dreams..


  4. Hello Mountainmae,

    Happy New Year to you! I know it is the 14th of January already, but I hope it is not too late to wish you a wonderful New Year. May 2013 bring you more happiness, love, and success. And may you maintain the positive attitude towards life you have been having.. 🙂

    Also, I would like to thank you for your recent follow to my blog. I hope my poems and short stories do not disappoint and that your visits in there have been a joyful ride. Thank you again, many blessings and much love to you. 🙂

    Subhan Zein


  5. Thank you for deciding to follow my blog…I hope you will enjoy the trip…and maybe along the way we can change the world into a half way decent place where people are kind and nice, and tell the truth, and can trust one another…just a thought. 🙂

    Be encouraged!


  6. I so love your About mountainmaw! Its real, its you I have a feeling. I like that.
    I simply stopped by to say hello and to thank you for following my blog. I love meeting new people with like minds.
    I hope that we became great blogging friends.~


      1. I was going to ask if you photoshopped him; glad I stopped by here first. Do you happen to know what he is? I was thinking Hamster at first, but there’s something (about his ears?) that isn’t quite right – not to mention that herb flower (who’s name escapes me at the moment) he’s climbing on is about 18-24 inches off of the ground…


    1. Thank you for this award. It is always nice to be appreciated by others. Unfortunately I do not do the pass-it-on part which makes me ineligible. Thanks for thinking of me.


    1. Thank you for thinking of me. It is always nice to be appreciated by others. Unfortunately I do not do the pass-it-on part which makes me ineligible. Thanks for thinking of me.


  7. Thank you for choosing to follow my blog, I look forward to reading more of yours. I don’t do “awards” and pass alongs either, I don’t view this as a competition for the most followers (like Facebook friends – mine really are), but as a way to push myself to write every day and on occasion offer something that might resonate with another. Thanks for putting out heartfelt posts, that’s why I’m here!


    1. Thanks for your kind words and following me. I have been amazed at being able to post almost every day – I write for me but am glad it has value to others.


  8. AWESOME!! I really really like your outlook of life (for lack of a better way to put it… I think you voice it best with your words)…
    And thanks for the “follow”, I’m more glad I found you – I am sure I will find enrichment in your blog. Thank you.


  9. Hi! I sent you an email with this information, but I think I was also supposed to post it on your blog. I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger and Sunshine Awards! These are the rules for them if you want to pass it on. 🙂 I did this a little differently than everyone else seems to be doing.

    Rules for the Versatile Blogger Award: http://versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com/vba-rules/

    Thank the person who gave you this award.
    Include a link to their blog. http://everlastingloveofflowers.wordpress.com/
    Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
    Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
    Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

    Rules for the Sunshine Award:

    Link the award to the person who gave it to you.
    Answer the questions that come with it.
    Pass it along to 10 people and let them know they have received it.


    Favorite Color
    Favorite Animal
    Favorite number
    Favorite Non-alcoholic drink
    Facebook or Twitter
    My Passion
    Prefer getting or giving presents
    Favorite pattern
    Favorite Day of the Week
    Favorite Flower


    1. Thank you for thinking of me for the awards. It is always nice to be recognized. Unfortunately I don’t pass these on which makes me unable to accept. Thanks anyway.


  10. Beautiful introduction of yourself. I like that you include yourself in the loving. I’m an old broad in my seventh decade, a full-time RV-er with my dog, Pepper. Everywhere I’ve traveled in this beautiful country I’ve found beauty, and awesome people with great spirits like yours. Thanks for following my blog


  11. Beautiful and very lively blog, I’m looking forward to more posts from you. Thanks for following my blog.. 🙂


  12. Thank you so much for following my blog. I look forward to reading yours, too! And I agree with loving yourself unconditionally, something I am still working on…:)


  13. Your blog is great! Before I read a word I just found the layout and picturs very relaxing. And I have left your “about me” page open as a tab in my browser, because every time I click on it that picture just makes me laugh. Thanks for visiting my blog.


  14. Hello and thank you for following my blog, I shall look forward to having a good look around your blog too! I hope the sun is high in your sky and that you are happy today xx


  15. I read and enjoyed your posts under ‘family history’. In recent years I have been writing a lot of family stories, things that sound inconsequential but breathe life into the family I’ve known, to pass to the next generations. I think it’s just so, I don’t know, lovey for lack of a better word that poetry brings back memories of your Dad. What a nice association.


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