Einstein knew stuff from simple to quantum

“Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty, lies the opportunity.” Albert Einstein  I am learning about  Einstein’s astounding theory of relativity and his discovery of the quantum, his thoughtful philosophy, and his rise above a turbulent life including marriages and exile. He was an amazing man and I love his hair.  “Everything should be as simple as possible, but not simpler.” – Albert Einstein

I am sure more about him will appear here. For today, did you know that his body was cremated the day of his death in 1955 but without his brain! It is in a jar in New Jersey.

The first quote is on my favorite, simple and charitable and free website – you click to provide food for the hungery. Start your computer day by doing this charitable act.


12 thoughts on “Einstein knew stuff from simple to quantum”

    1. Thank you, it is so easy. Across the menu bar are other choices like child health, literacy, vet and the rainforest. You can only click each one once a day.


  1. Einstein is one of the few people on my list of amazing people I’d love to sit down and have a cuppa with…can you imagine….your tea would grow cold as he chatted on about the most amazing things!


  2. Oh love Einstein and quantum physics. Did you know he was throw out of school basically because they thought he was dumb. Didn’t take tests well and they didn’t think he could learn.


  3. Some of my favorite quotes are Einstein’s…. Amazing soul (obviously!). But I hadn’t seen this one, so thanks for sharing! Saving in my cache-of-quotes. 🙂


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