Pleasure in the morning.

I awoke gently today, half-awake , eyes still closed I became aware of the fragrance of roses. My roses are blooming up a storm now. I put some in a vase in the bedroom. Pleasure before I even open my eyes feel like a special gift.

Second thought, today is the lunar eclipse but I don’t know what time.

I took my coffee out to the screen porch. All is quiet except for the birds singing their morning songs. I remind myself to try to identify what kind of bird is singing. For today I just enjoy. In the neighboring pasture two horses live, this morning they were playing charge across the field kicking up their heels. The tiny sparrows go about their business in the recently mowed grass. Sitting still and quiet they are just 3 ft away. 

Everyday is a gift but some days are super special.

“One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.”

12 thoughts on “Pleasure in the morning.”

  1. How inspiring! I must make the effort to get up extra early one day soon and enjoy the morning stillness before life takes over! Lovely post Mountainmae!


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